Express Order

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The Express Order feature saves your time by auto-populating the order information when placing an order. By default, the information from the last order placed on the current list is used. However, if you have necessary permissions, it is also possible to use the order information from any previous order at your choice or previously created template.

Use the Express Order feature to do the following:

         Place a new order based on the information from the last order you made using the current list

         Place a new order based on the information from the previous order at your choice, either yours or shared with you by other user

         Place a new order based on a template, either created by you or shared with you by other user

It is only possible to use the Express Order Template for the orders placed on the same list the template was created.

The following information is copied from your previous order.

         Order output layout

         Presort information

The presort information is copied from the previous order if it was presorted and if presort was requested for the current order.

         Order output format

         Order notification e-mail

         Billing address

         Payment method

The following information is not copied from your previous order.

         All quantity selections

It is not possible to order records from previously saved searches using the Express Order functionality.

         Records based on count reports

         Data usage

         Special Offer Coupon

Create an Express Order Based on the Last Order

1           On the first page of the order placement process, click the Express Order based on previous Order link.

2           If you order requires a mail piece approval or SAN DNC, the corresponding pages will appear. Submit a mail piece or enter the SAN DNC number, depending on what is required from you. For more information about mail pieces, see Mail Piece Approval.

3           (Optional) Enter the Price Exception Code (also known as Special Offer Coupon) in the corresponding field. For more information, see Special Offer Coupons.

4           Review the following information. To make changes, click Change next to the corresponding section to be edited:

         Order output layout

         (Optional) Presort information

         Order output format

         Order notification e-mail

         Billing address

         Payment method

If you pay for order with your personal credit card, you will need to enter the necessary credit card information in the Payment Method section. The other payment options are automatically copied from the order on which basis the current order is being placed.

5           Read and accept the License Agreement.

6           (Optional) To save the current order options as an express order template, select the corresponding check box and enter the template name. For more information of the order templates, see Create a Template for Express Order.

7           If all information is correct, click the link in the lower-right corner of the page to start the order processing.


Create an Express Order Based on a Previous Order

1           On the first page of the order placement process, click the Express Order based on previous Order link.

2           If you order requires a mail piece approval or SAN DNC, the corresponding pages will appear. Submit a mail piece or enter the SAN DNC number, depending on what is required from you. For more information about mail pieces, see Mail Piece Approval.

3           In the Express Order Templates section, select the Use this order as template option.

4           Specify the previous order whose order information you want to use. Do one of the following:

         Enter the Order ID in the corresponding text box

         To browse through all available orders, either placed by you or shared by other users, click Find, select your company from the Filter by Company list, select the order you are interested in and click Submit.

5           (Optional) To view the details for the previous order, click the View button.

6           Click Apply.

7           Proceed with the order placement as described in steps 3-7 for the express order based on the last order. For more information, see Create an Express Order Based on the Last Order.


Create an Express Order Based on a Template

1           On the first page of the order placement process, click the Express Order based on previous Order link.

2           If you order requires a mail piece approval or SAN DNC, the corresponding pages will appear. Submit a mail piece or enter the SAN DNC number, depending on what is required from you. For more information about mail pieces, see Mail Piece Approval.

3           In the Express Order section, select the template from the corresponding list.

The available templates might be either created by you, or shared with you by other users within your company.

4           (Optional) To view the details for the previous order to be used as template, click the View button.

5           Click Apply.

6           Proceed with the order placement as described in steps 3-7 for the express order based on the last order. For more information, see Create an Express Order Based on the Last Order.


Create a Template for Express Order

1           Start the order placement. On the last ordering page, select the check box for saving a current order as an express one.


2           Enter the template name in the corresponding field.

3           Select if you want this template to be available for you only, or to other within your company.

4           Click Confirm.

Once created, the express order templates cannot be deleted manually. To delete the template, contact your system administrator.
