Suppressing Searches

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By suppressing a previous search, you remove records contained in it from you current search. In contrast to suppressing orders, any record produced by the search being suppressed is removed, no matter if it was actually ordered or not.

You can suppress searches that were run on the same list as your current search and enabled for suppression.

Enable a Search for Suppression

If you are running a search and want to be able to suppress it from your future searches, you must enable it for suppression. If you want to enable a previously saved search for suppression, you need to rerun it.

1           Run a search. On the Suppression tab, click Suppress Current.

2           Select the check box to allow this count to be suppressed from future counts.

3           Click Submit and continue with your search.

Be sure to calculate Total for the search before you save it. Only searches with calculated Total can be used for suppression.


Suppress Searches

1           Run a search. On the Suppression tab, click Suppress Counts.

2           In the text boxes, enter the numbers of the searches you want to suppress from you current search. To view the searches available for suppression on the current list, use Lookup.

3           (Optional) If available, select the suppression level. For more information, see Matching Levels.

By default, the best option is selected automatically, and it is the suppression level that best matches the "one per" selection used in the search. If you change the "one per" selection, the suppression level is automatically changed as well. However, if your business needs require different matching logic, you can turn off the automatic level selection and select the required level manually.

         To select the suppression level manually, clear the Automatically select the best option check box and select one of the levels below the check box.

         To enable automatic selection of the best suppression level, select the Automatically select the best option check box. The best level is selected as soon as you refresh the page or go to another page.

4           Continue with your search.


Lookup Search Numbers for Suppression

1           On the Suppress Counts page, click Lookup.

Your searches available for suppression on the current list are displayed.

2           In the Select column, select the searches you want to suppress from the current search.

3           Click Add Selected Codes.
