View Pricing

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When running a search, click the View Pricing button at the bottom of the screen. A window containing the following tabs opens:

         Pricing for the current list

         Estimated pricing for the current count

         Pricing for the additional services available for the count

To view the information you are interested in, open the corresponding tab.

Note that it is necessary to click the Recalculate button before getting the estimated pricing for your count.

The estimated order price is based on your current count selections. If your count selections change, so does your actual order charges. The estimated order price is also making the following assumptions. The order is to be placed for internet delivery, single use and no additional output fields or counts are to be selected in the ordering process.

It is possible to order printable or email quote containing the detailed cost breakdown. For more information, see Order Printable or Email Quote.

Pricing Categories

There are various pricing categories available depending on the list:

         Base Pricing includes price for basic features (like charge for additional copy, multiple use charge and so on).

         Miscellaneous Pricing includes price for the elements that do not belong to the other categories, such as shipping, order rerun, postal presort and so on.

         Media Pricing includes price for any media types that user can select for delivering his order.

         Additional Selections Pricing includes price for the additional selections used in the search.

All the categories are presented in the following columns:

         Description. It is the name of the pricing element.

         Price. It is the price of the specific pricing element.

         Unit. It is the pricing type of the specific pricing element. For more information, see Pricing Types.

         Minimum. It is the minimum amount of money that may be paid for the pricing element. For example, if Minimum is set at $25, the user is charged no less than $25 for this pricing element regardless of the quantity of records.


Pricing Types

Pricing types determine the way user is charged for a pricing element. Depending on the list, the following pricing types may be available:

         Per 1000. The user is charged for each thousand of records containing the specific pricing element.

         Flat. The user is charged for using the specific pricing element in the order, no matter how many records he orders.

         Each. The user is charged for each instance of the pricing element usage in his order.

         Flat/1000. It is the so called, combined pricing type when the user is charged for the fact of using the pricing element in his order and for each thousand of records he orders.

         Per Actual. The user is charged for each thousand of records that actually contain the information ordered, that is the user pays only for those records where the value corresponding to the pricing element is not NULL.
For example, 3000 records are ordered and Phone Number is selected for output, but for 1000 records Phone Number field is empty. The user is eventually charged for the Phone Number selection only for 2000 records that contain required information.
