Three-Dimensional Matrix Report
With this report, you can create a three-dimensional outline of the results. It is similar to Two-Dimensional Matrix report; however, not only primary and secondary, but also tertiary selections can be included in the report. For more information, see Two-Dimensional Matrix Report.
For example, when requesting a Three-Dimensional Matrix report, you can specify College Graduate as your primary selection, Vehicle Make as a secondary selection, and Vehicle Year as a tertiary one. In this case the system displays the number of records available for the college graduates, breaks down the result according to the vehicle make and year.
If you request a Three-Dimensional Matrix report, you can specify the number of records to order from each primary, secondary and tertiary selection. For more information, see Specifying Records Quantity.
If your report is very large, only the top 20,000 rows are displayed.
View example of Three-Dimensional Matrix report
1 Run a search and click the Reports button at the bottom of the page.
2 On the Available Reports page, select Three-dimensional matrix report and click Next.
3 On the Report Delivery Options page, specify the e-mail address where you want the report to be sent. You can enter more than one e-mail address by separating each e-mail address with a semicolon ( ; ).
4 (Optional) If you want your name and pricing to appear on the report, select the corresponding check boxes.
Use this option with discretion, especially if you are sharing the reports with several levels of potential customers.
5 Select the output type of the report: HTML or Microsoft Excel document.
6 Select the primary selection from the corresponding list.
7 Select the secondary selection from the corresponding list.
8 Select your tertiary selection from the corresponding list.
You can specify more than one tertiary selection. To add another tertiary selection, click Insert.
If you have uploaded keycodes into your search, the keycodes are available in the list of primary, secondary, and tertiary selections.
9 You can accept the default search description and search notes or enter the new ones. For more information, see Edit Search Information.
10 Click Save.
Your report will be e-mailed to you shortly. To view the report in the system interface, go to Previous Searches. For more information, see View Count Reports.