Breakdown by Geography

You can create a report that breaks down the search results by geographical elements and by additional selections at your choice. The report shows how many records in your search are available for each selection option. Note that you can break down only by selections used in your search.

The number of rows in the report is limited to 1000. If the number of rows exceeds this value, the report is not produced.

down.gifView example of Breakdown by Geography report

Create Breakdown by Geography Report

1           Run a search and click the Reports button at the bottom of the page.

2           On the Available Reports page, select Breakdown by geography and click Next.

3           On the Report Delivery Options page, specify the e-mail address where you want the report to be sent. You can enter more than one e-mail address by separating each e-mail address with a semicolon ( ; ).

4           (Optional) If you want your name and pricing to appear on the report, select the corresponding check boxes.

Use this options with discretion, especially if you are sharing the reports with several levels of potential customers.

5           Select the output type of the report: HTML or Microsoft Excel document.

6           (Optional) To further break down the geographical selections you specified during the search into smaller geographical elements, select the corresponding option in the Geography Breakdowns section.

For example, if you specified ZIP code as your geographical selection, you can break down each ZIP code in the search by Carrier Route.

Radius and Multi-Location Radius selections are not available for further geographical breakdown.

7           (Optional) To view how many records are available for each additional selection you specified during the search, select the corresponding option in the Additional Selections Breakdown section.

8           You can accept the default search description and search notes or enter the new ones. For more information, see Edit Search Information.

9           Click Save.

Your report will be e-mailed to you shortly. To view the report in the system interface, go to Previous Searches. For more information, see View Count Reports.
